Father's Day 2024
It's Year 15, if you can believe it, and it came with a couple of surprises! We had a nice lady join us for breakfast before our walk, and got to meet Walkway Over the Hudson Royalty. The gentleman in the pic below with us is Fred Schaeffer who was one of the founders of the Walkway Foundation, and was key in getting the park built. He showed us a bunch of pics of the construction, and told us the story of how the bridge came to be. He's even an amateur photographer himself, and took a couple of pics of us! We finished off the day with some great burgers at the Hudson Ale Works in Highland, NY, on the "other" side of the river.

Father's Day 2023

Father's Day 2022
It's amazing how quickly the years are flying by. Here we are at year #13 already! This time we decided to time travel back to the 1970's, and we think it turned out pretty groovy! Now that the Hudson Valley Rail Trail meets up with the Walkway, we went a little further on our walk and found this caboose on display along the trail, and figured it would make a great setting for our pic!

Father's Day 2021
Year #12 and we're only now getting to the Muppets? Doesn't seem possible. Apologies to Kermit for not making the cut! This year we took the picture at the Highland side of the Walkway Bridge. There's a whole plaza there now, with benches, restrooms, food trucks, the works. It was waaaay cooler in the shade than on the bridge.

Father's Day 2020
Our Father's Day tradition is to take a picture on the Walkway Over the Hudson. This is year 11 of this tradition, and we wanted to make sure we addressed the state of our world right now. We think the masks speak for themselves. There are no other words for what's going on right now.
Believe in science, common sense, and rational thought, and we can get through this together. We had other plans for this year, but given the state our country is in, we thought it was a good idea to recycle these shirts that we wore on Election Day. The world WE live in, and the world we want for our girls has room for everyone. LOVE, IS LOVE, IS LOVE.

Father's Day 2019

Previous Years